The REAL health benefits of beans on toast (2024)

It's a household favourite across Britain, adored by students on the breadline and anyone desperate for an easy meal.

And, despite being considered unhealthy for years, top nutritionists this week gave beans on toast their backing.

It can form part of a healthy diet — even though both components are technically ultra-processed foods, according to the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF).

Along with fish fingers,wholegrain cereals and fruit yoghurts, the BNF insisted that beans on toast is a source of 'important nutrients', as well as being 'convenient and affordable'.

From being low in calories to being full of fibre and high in protein, MailOnline has rounded up all the health benefits of the purse-friendly meal...

From being low in calories to being full of fibre and high in protein, MailOnline has rounded up exactly how the purse-friendly meal can be good for you

When made with two slices of wholemeal bread and half a tin of Heinz Baked Beans — haricot beans served in a tomato sauce seasoned with paprika — the meal has around 350 calories.

This is just 14 per cent of a man's 2,500 recommend daily calories and 18 per cent of a woman's 2,000— the amount needed per day, on average, to maintain weight.

For comparison, a Big Mac— which is less filling — has around 500.

On top of this, beans on toast is full of fibre, containing around 13g per portion.

Adults are advised to have 30g per day, but the NHS notes most only have around 20g per day.

Eating plenty of fibre, also known as roughage, is linked with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.

READ MOREBeans on toast IS good for you! Top nutrition body warns ultra-processed foods are being wrongly villainized

Food experts have set out which options can be 'part of a healthy diet'. Baked beans, fish fingers and wholemeal bread all make the cut, according to the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF). Tomato-based pasta sauces, wholegrain breakfast cereals and fruit yoghurts are also 'healthier processed foods', the charity said

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Fibre also increases feelings of fullness, which can reduce the risk of overeating, and aids digestion.

The meal is packed with 18.2g of protein, which is vital for the growth and repair of body tissues, muscle and bones.

Men are supposed to have around 56g of protein per day, while women are advised to consume approximately 45g — but intake depends on weight and how much exercise a person does.

Beans on toast is also low in sugar, containing 11.9g, some of which is natural, and 0.5g of saturated fat.

Health chiefs recommend limiting the intake of both food components, as a diet high in sugar can lead to weight gain and tooth decay, while saturated fat can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

UK guidelines set out that adults should have no more than 30g of free sugars per day, while men should limit saturated fat to 30g and women should have no more than 20g.

And because the meal contains baked beans, it counts towards one of your five a day.

That's because any portion of beans or lentils — around 80g or three heaped tablespoons — count towards the goal.

There are also plenty of vitamins in just one can of beans, including iron, zinc, B vitamins and potassium.

Iron helps to maintain healthy blood and zinc helps with making new cells and enzymes.

Meanwhile, B vitamins help to keep your nervous system healthy and potassium helps to control the balance of fluids in the body, according to the NHS.

Beans on toast was yesterday hailed by nutritionists for its health benefits despite both supermarket bread and baked beans being classed as ultra-processed foods.

Anything edible made with colourings, sweeteners andpreservatives automatically falls into the ultra-processed category under the Nova food classification system.

Some nations, such as France, Belgium and Brazil, have used ultra-processed foods in official guidance, advising that people eat less.

But the BNF yesterday published a position statement, urging the UK Government against including ultra-processed foods in national dietary guidelines.

Nutritionists split food into three groups based on the amount of processing they have gone through. Minimally processed foods, like apples, are usually exactly how they appear in nature. Processed foods, like apple sauce, have gone through at least one level of processing that has changed their original form. In contrast, ultra-processed foods like apple jelly babies, have gone through multiple levels of processing and are usually full of extra fats, colours and preservatives

READ MORE What is ultraprocessed food? MailOnline's guide to the dangerous foods

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It warned that there is a 'lack of agreed definition' around what foods fall into the category and concerns about its 'usefulness as a tool to identify healthier products'.

For example, wholemeal bread and baked beans, as well as wholegrain breakfast cereals, fruit yoghurts and fish fingers, are also usually classified as ultra-processed.

But 'these can be a convenient and affordable source of some important nutrients', the BNF said.

Bridget Benelam, a BNF spokesperson said: 'For many of us when we get home after a busy day, foods like baked beans, wholemeal toast, fish fingers or ready-made pasta sauces are an affordable way to get a balanced meal on the table quickly.

'These may be classed as ultra-processed but can still be part of a healthy diet.'

She added: 'It's great if you can cook from scratch when you have time, but I know for me, as a working parent it's often not an option.

'We need to make healthy eating easier and more affordable, not more difficult and expensive.

'Choosing healthier processed foods is one way that can help people fit healthy eating into their lives'.


Meals should be based on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates, ideally wholegrain, according to the NHS

• Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. All fresh, frozen, dried and canned fruit and vegetables count

• Base meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates, ideally wholegrain

• 30 grams of fibre a day: This is the same as eating all of the following: 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, 2 whole-wheat cereal biscuits, 2 thick slices of wholemeal bread and large baked potato with the skin on

• Have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks) choosing lower fat and lower sugar options

• Eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins (including 2 portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily)

• Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and consuming in small amounts

• Drink 6-8 cups/glasses of water a day

• Adults should have less than 6g of salt and 20g of saturated fat for women or 30g for men a day

Source: NHS Eatwell Guide

The REAL health benefits of beans on toast (2024)


The REAL health benefits of beans on toast? ›

Individuals wanting to lose weight should start regularly eating beans on toast, academics have said. Researchers from the Shanghai Clinical Center for Diabetes have found that the resistant starch in Heinz baked beans and the wholegrains in brown bread are good for weight loss.

Are beans on toast healthy for you? ›

On top of this, beans on toast is full of fibre, containing around 13g per portion. Adults are advised to have 30g per day, but the NHS notes most only have around 20g per day. Eating plenty of fibre, also known as roughage, is linked with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.

Why do British people eat beans on toast? ›

Beans and toast is a breakfast tradition in the UK (it's both adored and loathed) that has stood the test of time. The story goes that in 1927 an executive at Heinz decided to create a national dish in order to sell more canned beans and an iconic dish was born.

Are beans on toast good for building muscle? ›

The benefits: Beans are a good plant-based protein source and provide a solid dose of carbohydrates for fueling. “When we break down muscle during exercise, the protein we eat helps to build it back up so we come back stronger, leaner, and faster,” Smith says.

Are beans on toast a complete protein? ›

By combining complementary proteins -- grains, like rice or bread, and plant-based protein sources, like peanuts, peanut butter or beans – you create a complete protein. Even so, eating grains and plant protein together is not necessary at every meal or snacktime.

Are scrambled egg and beans on toast healthy? ›

Scrambled eggs without butter and baked beans with reduced salt and sugar are also healthy cooked breakfast options. If you do go for the full English every once in a while as a treat, remember to make a few tweaks to your cooking methods to reduce the amount of saturated fat and salt on your plate.

Are beans on toast a real thing? ›

Baked beans on toast is often served for breakfast as a part of a fry up (the British term for a Cooked English Breakfast). For lunch, they are more commonly served with a jacket potato (the British term for a baked potato). And they're even served at dinner, too!

Was beans on toast invented in America? ›

A cheap, protein-packed meal

The irony is that while beans and toast seems British, American ketchup brand Heinz claims to have invented it nearly a century ago.

Do Americans eat beans on toast? ›

While Americans certainly like eating beans of all varieties the traditional British canned baked beans are not as popular. Americans do eat what the British would call baked beans, but they do not have them served on toast and find the concept very strange.

Is beans on toast a normal breakfast? ›

Both baked beans and toast are an integral part of a full English breakfast (although, arguably, the toast should be replaced with fried slices of bread in this setting). I understand that beans on toast is a popular breakfast food in the UK.

How many calories are in 2 slices of toast with baked beans? ›

Brainy beans on toast recipe

Per serving: 1,037kJ / 247kcal.

Are eggs on toast healthy? ›

A single egg toast makes a super satisfying and healthy breakfast, because it's loaded with veggies, a little fat from the feta and protein from the eggs, but if you need a little something extra, add a drink.

Which bean is best for building muscle? ›

Soy beans

If your goal is building lean, green muscle, soybeans are your most dependable option. Unlike other vegetarian sources of protein, those little legumes contain all nine essential amino acids, making them an essential vegan muscle food.

Can I eat beans on toast every day? ›

Eating beans on toast every day could help you lose weight with volunteers in one study shedding 6lbs in eight weeks thanks to the diet.

How long do beans on toast take to digest? ›

Digesting grains is take a bit longer

Grains like brown rice, buckwheat and oats can take approximately an hour and a half to exit your stomach, whereas legumes like chickpeas, lentils, beans etc. take even more – around two hours.

What pairs with beans to make a complete protein? ›

Combining incomplete proteins to form a complete protein

Combinations include: Nuts or seeds with whole grains (peanut butter on whole wheat toast) Whole grains with beans (beans and rice; hummus and pita bread; bean-based chili and crackers; refried beans and tortillas)

Is beans on toast a good meal for a diabetic? ›

Beans are a diabetes super food, meaning they are good for your health and they have diabetes-specific benefits. They are a low-glycemic ingredient, and are high in protein and fiber. The American Diabetes Association advises people with diabetes to add dried beans or no-sodium canned beans to several meals each week.

Is a bowl of beans a good breakfast? ›

For those who are looking to pack a nutrition punch at breakfast, beans are not to be missed. All types of beans are good sources of protein, excellent sources of fiber (both soluble and insoluble), and are naturally fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free.

Which canned baked beans are the healthiest? ›

  • Best: Bush's Zero Added Sugar.
  • Best: Camellia Beans for Two.
  • Best: 365 Garbanzo beans.
  • Best: Sprague Foods Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce.
  • Best: Sprouts Low Sodium Great Northern Beans.
  • Worst: Bush's Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans.
  • Worst: Van Camp's Pork and Beans.
  • Worst: Heinz Deep Browned Beans with Pork and Molasses.
Mar 23, 2024

Is it okay to eat baked beans every day? ›

According to the NHS, three heaped tablespoons of baked beans counts as one of the five portions of fruit and vegetables the Government recommends eating every day as part of a healthy diet.


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