Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (2024)

Easy Scottish recipes for vegetarians and vegans, both traditional and modern recipes.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (1)


I was born and have lived in Scotland my whole life.

It's a beautiful country, where you're never far from the coast with long sandy beaches where you can sometimes spot seals and dolphins if you're lucky or beautiful lochs surrounded by hills.

If you want to want to walk or hike, you don't have to go far to find open countryside, hills and mountains with spectacular views.

We're also surrounded with forests full of wildlife, with birds (including birds of prey), squirrels, foxes and deer making their homes there.

The food in Scotland is diverse with influences from all over the world.

Traditional Scottish food tends to be a bit simpler, using local seasonal produce to make hearty dishes that are usually quite cheap to make.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (2)


Traditional Scottish food, the type passed down through the generations tends to be comfort food.

It's to do with the often bleak weather, where at any point in the year it can become dark and dreich with lots of rain.

The food of Scotland also reflects our climate and the crops.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (3)


The east coast of Scotland has the perfect climate for berries, with long daylight hours in summer and lots of sun, but not too hot for these sweet juicy fruits.

Berries are abundant in the wild and free for the picking while you are out on walks too. Bramble bushes are very common and overflowing with blackberries or raspberries.

You will find a lot of berries in our baking and desserts.


Our main crops are wheat, rye, barley and oats, which are milled in Scotland.

The barley is used in soups and stews and the oats we use in porridge, bread, cakes and savoury recipes.

We also grow a lot of rapeseed to make the most glorious yellow oil that's much healthier than olive oil, with a much higher burning temperature.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (4)


Most of the potatoes sold in the UK are grown in Scotland, the other main crops are carrots, leeks, turnips (swedes), parsnips, onions, brussels sprouts and peas.

You'll also find lots of kale, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, broad beans, beetroot and lettuce available.

Our main crops appear in many of our traditional dishes, with soups and stews topping the charts. I did say we cook mainly hearty food, didn't I?

Many recipes are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, but others can be easily adapted.

Tinned Tomatoes started off as a vegetarian blog, but as our diets changed it became vegan-based, so you will find both vegetarian and vegan dishes below.

All recipes can be easily tweaked for a vegetarian or vegan diet, just use your regular milk, butter and cheese.

Some are traditional dishes, some are traditional dishes with a modern twist and others are new dishes using traditional Scottish ingredients.

They are all easy to make and come with photos and printable (you can save them as PDFs too) recipe cards.

I hope you enjoy the recipes. If there is any traditional Scottish recipe you would like to see, leave me a comment or email me at I'm always happy to chat.

V = vegetarian
Ve = vegan


A Scottish breakfast is a thing of many parts. During the week it may be porridge, cereal or toast topped with jam.

In a hurry, then it might be a slice of banana bread, a flapjack or a muffin on the go.

On a Sunday it's usually a more leisurely affair with homemade pancakes or a cooked breakfast, which can feature all or some of the following:

  • Tattie scones (potato scones) - an easy flatbread made with potatoes
  • veggie sausages
  • veggie haggis
  • fried potatoes (in slices)
  • fried mushrooms
  • grilled tomatoes
  • baked beans
  • scrambled or fried egg (if you're vegetarian)
  • wilted spinach (if you're pretending to be healthy)
  • toast (toasted or fried)

And for something sweet try these easy Scotch pancakes (or drop scones).

Make your own Easy Vegan Haggis

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (5)


Tattie scones, also known as potato scones or potato farls are a Scottish flatbread made from potatoes which are served for breakfast.

We mostly call them tattie scones as tattie is our Scottish word for potatoes or potato farls.

Farls comes from the old Scots word fardel which means a quarter. Tattie scones or farls are usually shaped into a flat round and cut into quarters in triangles, then cooked.

I like to roll the dough out and cut into small rounds with a cookie cutter.

They are best made from freshly cooked potatoes which are mashed, but they can also be made with leftover mash.

  • Easy Indian Spiced Potato Scones (an Indian twist on Scottish tattie scones) (vegan)
  • Scottish Potato Scones (and how to make a vegan cooked breakfast) (vegan)
  • Scottish Tattie Scones (and how to make a vegetarian cooked breakfast)(vegetarian)

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (6)


Porridge is a staple on Scottish breakfast tables. It's easy to make from porridge oats (rolled oats) and you can eat it plain or add lots of fruit (fresh or dried).

It will fill you up until lunchtime and give you energy to get on with your day.

Traditionally it was made in crofts in pots over a fire with no fancy toppings.

My dad ate it every day of his life for breakfast. He made it with water and a pinch of salt, which is very Scottish.

Many people in Scotland serve their porridge plain (made with milk or water) and often with a drizzle of honey.

I like it with some sweetness from a drizzle of maple syrup or fruit.

I now also make a modern version of oats, by serving it cold as overnight oats. It's really not Scottish, but it's my twist on a Scottish oat breakfast.

THESE ARE ALL SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS AND VEGANS. Use your regular milk. The creme egg overnight oats can be made with or without the creme egg on top (both vegetarian and vegan versions are available to buy.

  • Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats
  • Blueberry Muffin Overnight Oats
  • Creme Egg Overnight Oats
  • Overnight Sweet Potato Oats

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (7)


Flapjacks are closely related to porridge. The first flapjacks were just cold porridge that had set.

In crofts, porridge would be made in a pot over an open fire and poured into a porridge drawer, also known as a kist.

The porridge would be eaten hot for breakfast, then as it cooled in the drawer it would set and be cut into squares to eat and so the flapjack was born.

Today flapjacks are baked and can contain all sorts of spices, fruit and even chocolate.



  • Scottish Fresh Blueberry Flapjacks

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (8)


Banana bread is such an easy bake and it's a great way of using up over-ripe bananas that might end up in the bin.

It's great served fresh, but it's even better toasted for breakfast and served spread with butter or dairy-free spread.


  • Easy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
  • Easy One-Bowl Chocolate Banana Bread
  • Homemade Oat Flour Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips (oat flour can easily be made from porridge (rolled) oats and used in place of plain (all purpose) flour)
  • Raspberry Banana Bread with Choc Chips

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (9)


Scottish pancakes are more like American pancakes when it comes to rise, but we tend to serve them smaller.

Some people prefer crepes, from our auld friends the French, but wee fat Scotch pancakes remain the most popular.

  • Healthier Chocolate Banana Pancakes with Chocolate Sauce (vegan)
  • (vegetarian)
  • Scotch Pancakes(vegetarian)
  • (vegan)
  • Vegan Chocolate Chip Scotch Pancakes(vegan)


Soup and sandwiches are popular lunch choices in Scotland.

We eat soup at home but also take soup to work in tubs to heat in the microwave or take it in flasks to drink when we are out and about.

I'm including homemade bread recipes that are great served with a hearty bowl of Scottish soup and sandwiches.

We also like a sausage roll or something in pastry for lunch, so I've included a few recipes for vegetarian and vegan sausage rolls and pies.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (10)


Soup is one of our most popular dishes in Scotland and we serve it up for lunch and dinner.

It's cheap, easy to make and very filling. Even the most unused kitchen will often see a pot of soup on the go as it's easy even for beginners.

Our soups are usually made from our staple crops, onions, carrots, potatoes, turnip (swede), leek and broccoli. We also like to add pulses or grains to bulk soups out.

Scottish soup is usually hearty with a bit of texture but we do make some smooth soups too.

I know it's not polite, but we love to dunk bread into our soup!

  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegetarian)
  • (vegan)
  • Fresh Ginger Parsnip Soup(vegetarian)
  • Fridge Vegetable Soup (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Red Lentil Soup(vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Scottish Fridge Lentil Soup (vegan)
  • Scottish Lentil Soup (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup(vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Spicy Tiffin Eggs (vegetarian)
  • Tattie Soup (vegan)
  • Yellow Split Pea Soup (vegan)


Here are a few ideas of what to serve with a pot of Scottish soup. They aren't all Scottish recipes but they go great with Scottish soup.



  • Basic Wholemeal Bread (this style bread would be made in Scotland and is good for soup, but also slices well for sandwiches.
  • Basic White Loaf (this style of bread would also be made in Scottish homes)
  • Light Rye Bloomer Bread
  • No Knead Black Olive Beer Bread (no yeast)
  • Wholemeal Beer Bread (no yeast)


Cheese scones are often served with soup in Scotland. Cut in half and spread with a generous amount of butter.

  • Blueberry Lemonade Scones (vegan)
  • Buttery Scottish Teatime Scones (vegan)
  • Classic Cheese Scones (vegetarian)


Toasties are often served with soup or on their own with some salad.

  • Comfort Cheese Toastie(vegetarian)
  • (vegetarian)
  • (vegan)

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (11)


Us Scots love a bit of pastry at lunchtime. Sausage rolls, bridies or pies. A lot of it is very meaty, but it's easy to make a vegetarian or vegan alternative.

  • (pasties are an English treat but these have a very Scottish filling) (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Rumbledethump Pies(vegan)
  • Scottish Savoury Puffs(vegan)
  • Spicy 3 Bean Sausage Rolls(vegan)
  • Spicy Lentil Vegan Sausage Rolls (vegan)
  • Spicy Tattie Puffs(vegan)
  • Vegan Haggis Sausage Rolls
  • (vegan)
  • Vegetarian Sausage Rolls(vegetarian)


A traditional Scottish family dinner is usually hearty fare with lots of stews and pies involved. Usually served with tatties (potatoes) and a selection of vegetables.

If it's Sunday dinner or a special occasion, there may be a starter and dessert or pudding too.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (12)


Here are some ideas for a Scottish style starter. Serve them with a small side salad. You can check out the lunch section for more soup ideas.

  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Scottish Fridge Lentil Soup (vegan)
  • Scottish Slow Cooker Vegetable Soup(vegan)
  • Yellow Split Pea Soup (vegan)
  • (serve on oatcakes) (vegan)
  • Beer Battered Haggis Bites (vegan)
  • Vegetarian Scotch Eggs (vegetarian)

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (13)


As I said, dinner tends to be a hearty affair and is usually served with tatties and veg.

We serve our tatties mashed, boiled or roasted for dinner. We love our tatties! Oh and rumbledethumps as a side dish, you can't forget the rumbledethumps!


  • Cottage Garden Pie
  • Extra Veg Vegan Shepherd's Pie
  • Rumbledethump Pies
  • Scottish Mushroom Stew


  • Creamy Whisky Sauce for Haggis
  • Easy Vegan Haggis
  • How To Cook Neeps
  • Vegan Mushroom Gravy

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (14)



  • Luxury Slow Cooker Macaroni Cheese (we love macaroni cheese in Scotland, it's served in homes, takeaways, cafes and restaurants thanks to all those Italians who arrived in Scotland during the war)
  • Slow Cooker Vegan Savoury Mince
  • Slow Cooker Scottish Stovies


  • Rumbledethumps
  • Vegetarian Macaroni Cheese


We do love a pudding here in Scotland, served with custard, ice cream or pouring cream. We rarely say no to a dessert either.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (15)


  • Scottish Cranachan(vegetarian)
  • Traditional Scottish Strawberry Trifle(vegan)


  • Creamy Rice Pudding with Toffee Bananas(vegan)
  • Rich Sticky Toffee Pudding(vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • Scottish Plum Crumble (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)


We do love our cakes and sweet treats in Scotland. When I was a child my mum was always baking or letting me help her make tray bakes and sweet treats.

Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (16)


  • (vegan)
  • (vegan)
  • (vegetarian)
  • Scottish Flapjack Cookies(vegetarian)


Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (17)


  • Blueberry Lemonade Scones(vegan)
  • Blueberry Scones (vegan)
  • Buttery Scottish Vegan Teatime Scones(vegan)
  • Scottish Scones(vegetarian)


  • Mars Bar Slice(vegetarian)
  • (vegan)
  • Scottish Chocolate Tiffin(vegan)


  • Audrey's Scottish Truffles(vegetarian)
  • Chocolate Orange Truffles(vegetarian)
  • Scottish Macaroon Snowballs(vegan)
  • Scottish Rum Chocolate Truffles (vegetarian or vegan)
  • White Chocolate Truffles with Peppermint(vegetarian)

I hope you try some of these Scottish recipes, both traditional and modern.


Scottish Recipes for Vegans and Vegetarians (2024)


Does Scotland have vegan food? ›

Outside of more traditional dishes, Scotland's innovative restaurant culture means plenty of vegan options from outside the local cuisine.

What is the most famous Scottish food? ›

Scotland's iconic national dish known as haggis consists of sausage meat made from the innards of the sheep mixed with onions, oatmeal, suet, stock, dried herbs and other seasonings.

What kind of vegetables do they eat in Scotland? ›

Fresh greens – tuck into broad beans, peas, runner beans and mangetout, as well as asparagus and healthy leaves such as kale and Swiss chard.

What is the national dish of Scotland? ›

Haggis. Haggis is our national dish, and the first recipe dates back to the 15th century (in recorded history).

Which country is #1 for vegans? ›

India. Three of India's major religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism — teach the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence towards all beings. Because of this religious tradition, India has the highest percentage of vegetarians out of all the countries in the world.

How vegan-friendly is Scotland? ›

I'm sure many travellers would be surprised to hear that Scotland is an incredibly vegan-friendly country to visit. Glasgow and Edinburgh have repeatedly won praise among Britain's most vegan-friendly cities – but awareness for plant-based delights goes much further than that.

What is a famous Scottish junk food? ›

A munchy box or munchie box is an inexpensive fast-food product sold from takeaway restaurants, primarily in Scotland and Glasgow in particular, but also in many other parts from Aberdeen to Rothesay. They are also now sold by many takeaways across the UK.

What is the most popular drink in Scotland? ›

Irn-Bru has long been the most popularly consumed soft drink in Scotland, consistently beating rivals such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta, and reportedly sells 20 cans every second throughout Scotland.

What's a full Scottish breakfast? ›

So, what is a full Scottish breakfast? Usually made up of bacon, link sausages, Lorne sausage (also known as square sausage or slice), black pudding, haggis, baked beans, fried mushrooms and tomatoes, toast, tattie scones and fried eggs, the full Scottish breakfast is a sight to behold.

What is the most popular fruit in Scotland? ›

The results of a new survey released forDiabetes Weekhas found that strawberries are Scotland's favourite fruit with 20 per cent of the public vote. The accolade of favourite vegetable goes to broccoli (18 per cent).

What are 3 foods that are from Scotland? ›

Explore more Scottish Cuisine on a Food Tour in Edinburgh

If the holy trinity of Scottish cuisine with Haggis, Neeps, and Tatties is not your style, there are many more to choose from iconic dishes like Scotch Broth to indulgent treats like Cranachan and Shortbread.

What are traditional Scottish sweets? ›

View Range DELICIOUS SCOTTISH SWEETS Include: Boiled Sweets, Caramels, Chocolate Creams, Liquorice, Retro Sweets, Rock, Soft Creams & Soft Rock and Toffee.

Is it hard to be vegan in Scotland? ›

Eating out in the biggest cities of Scotland, is no difficult task for a vegan. There are many vegan restaurants in Edinburgh and in Glasgow, and most omni restaurants will have options, vegan menus or can at least figure out how to adapt a dish to suit your diet.

Which UK city has the most vegans? ›

Top of the pile came Brighton, which isn't such a huge surprise. The Sussex coastal city is a hub for green and progressive politics, and it boasted both the most vegan restaurants and takeaways per 100,000 people of any UK city. Brighton had a score of 86.9, putting it way ahead of every other city in the study.

Which part of the UK has the most vegans? ›

London, ranking in the top five, is home to the UK's largest share of vegans1. The capital offers a whopping 178 vegan restaurants, and the highest number of vegan takeaway options (48) to choose from, making it the perfect place to explore all facets of plant-based living.


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