Scorpio Sagittarius Cusp: Dates, Personality Traits and Compatibility (2024)

The astrological cusp between the eighth and ninth signs in the Zodiac: Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp, also known as the Cusp of Revolution, falls under the influence of both the watery planet Mars/Pluto and the fiery Jupiter. Individuals born on this cusp embody an exciting blend of the intense determination of Scorpio and the explorative optimism of Sagittarius. With birth dates ranging from November 18th to November 24th, Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp individuals are characterized by their intensity, adventurousness, and a zest for life that is as transformative as the Scorpion and Archer symbols they bear.

This comprehensive guide explores the distinctive attributes of the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp, emphasizing their principal strengths and potential weaknesses. It delves into how the influence of Mars/Pluto and Jupiter, in combination with the Water and Fire elements, shape these individuals, instilling them with a powerful drive to succeed, a free-spirited energy, and a mental and physical vitality that fuels their desire for depth, truth, and exploration. Learn about Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp’s likes and dislikes that resonate with their intense and adventurous personalities, such as their love for truth and freedom, and their aversion to restrictions and superficiality.

The article also provides insights into the unique traits of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp men, women, and children. Women born under this cusp often exhibit a passionate resolve, unwavering ambition, and an ability to handle challenges effectively. Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp men, on the other hand, are intense, ambitious, and freedom-loving, with a magnetic disposition that often attracts others towards them. Also know about signs most compatible with Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp.

What is Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is the point in the zodiac where the sign of Scorpio meets the sign of Sagittarius. People born between November 18th and November 24th are considered to be on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp or Scorpio-Sagittarius Cuspers.

Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is also known as “Cusp of Revolution” since people born on this cusp are transformative, independent, and passionate about change.

In this cusp, Water (Scorpio’s element) and Fire (Sagittarius’ element) combine to give its inhabitants an intense yet adventurous personality.

What are Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Dates?

People born between November 18th and November 24th are considered to be on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp. However, these dates can fluctuate a day or two each year due to the way the Earth’s rotation affects the Sun’s position.

Cusp Calculator: How to know if you are a Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp based on the location of Sun at the time of your birth?

If the Sun was located at 27, 28 and 29 degrees of Scorpio at the time of your birth, then you are a Scorpio-Sagittarius cusper. In general if your date of birth falls between November 18th and November 24th, you are in Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp.

What are the Benefits of Being Born on Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

Being born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, also known as the Cusp of Revolution, can bring a number of beneficial qualities to your personality:

  1. Intuitive and Insightful: Scorpios are known for their depth and Sagittarians for their foresight. Combined, these qualities can make you highly intuitive, able to understand situations and people on a deep level, and capable of anticipating outcomes.
  2. Transformative and Adaptable: Born on the cusp of Revolution, you’re likely to embrace change and have the ability to adapt quickly. You can thrive in situations that may be challenging for others, and can bring about positive transformation in your own and others’ lives.
  3. Loyal and Honest: Both Scorpio and Sagittarius are known for their honesty and loyalty. You can be trusted with secrets, and people around you will value your truthfulness and dedication.

These qualities make those born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp strong, unique individuals, who can use their blend of qualities for great personal and professional success. However, it’s important to note that individual astrological charts can vary greatly depending on the exact time and location of birth.

What are the Characteristics of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

We will now explore how zodiac signs, planets and astrological elements influence distinct characteristics of Inhabitants of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp. We will also discuss Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp Man, Woman and Children.

How Scorpio and SagittariusInfluence Characteristics of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cuspers?

Scorpio’s Influence: Scorpio infuses them with depth, intensity, and a keen intuition, driving them to explore the deeper layers of life and personal interactions.

Sagittarius’ Influence: Sagittarius, on the other hand, brings optimism, freedom, and an appreciation for adventure and knowledge.

These individuals tend to embody a balanced blend of introspection and outward exploration, intensity and joviality. They might exhibit transformative qualities, drawing from Scorpio’s ability to deeply understand and Sagittarius’ desire for change and growth. However, exact traits can vary depending on other astrological and personal factors.

Which Planets directly influence Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp?

The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is primarily influenced by two planets: Pluto and Jupiter.

Pluto, ruling Scorpio, symbolizes transformation, power, and rebirth. It instills a deep, intense energy in Scorpio-Sagittarius cuspers, driving them towards introspection and transformative pursuits.

Jupiter, ruling Sagittarius, represents wisdom, abundance, and exploration. It imbues them with a love for adventure, knowledge, and optimism, fostering a sense of freedom and philosophical inclination.

Which Astrological elements directly influence Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is influenced by both the Water and Fire astrological elements.

Scorpio, a Water sign, deepens emotion, intuition, and a probing spirit, making these individuals insightful, intense, and often transformative.

Sagittarius, a Fire sign, introduces an invigorating energy, nurturing traits like enthusiasm, freedom, and a desire for adventure and knowledge.

What are the Personality Traits of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

People born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, often have a unique blend of traits influenced by the water sign Scorpio and the fire sign Sagittarius. These can include:

  1. Adventurous and Optimistic: With Sagittarius’ influence, they often seek out new experiences and knowledge, carrying an optimistic outlook towards the future.
  2. Transformative and Resilient: Born on the Cusp of Revolution, they may have a knack for initiating change and may show resilience in the face of challenges.
  3. Honest and Straightforward: They typically value honesty and are likely to be straightforward, often speaking the truth, no matter how blunt it may be.
  4. Generous and Philosophical: The influence of Sagittarius can make them generous and philosophical, always willing to help others and to explore the deeper questions of life.

It’s important to note that individual astrological charts can vary greatly depending on the exact time and location of birth, so these traits can vary among Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp individuals.

What are Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp likes and dislikes?

Here are some typical likes and dislikes for these individuals:


1. Adventure and Exploration: The Sagittarius influence often makes these individuals love adventure, travel, and exploring new ideas or cultures.

2. Mysteries and the Unknown: The Scorpio side can make these individuals intrigued by mysteries, secrets, and the deeper aspects of life and human nature.

3. Freedom and Independence: Both Scorpio and Sagittarius value their freedom and independence. They enjoy having the space to explore their interests and passions.


1. Restrictions: Both Scorpio and Sagittarius are signs that value their freedom and independence. They might dislike restrictions or situations where they feel confined.

2. Dishonesty: Both signs value truth and honesty, so they might have a strong dislike for dishonesty or deceptive behaviors.

3. Superficiality: Scorpio’s depth combined with Sagittarius’ desire for authenticity might lead these individuals to dislike superficial interactions or shallow relationships.

What is Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Woman?

A Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp woman is typically intense, passionate, intuitive, and independent, with a thirst for knowledge and exploration. Her combined Scorpio-Sagittarius traits often make her a dynamic and transformative individual. She embraces change, values honesty, and has a philosophical outlook on life. Her traits can vary depending on her personal astrological chart and the exact time and location of her birth.

What is Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Man?

A Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp makes him a mix of depth and passion with an enthusiasm for exploration and understanding. He’s likely to be bold, independent, and transformative, with a knack for instigating change and a tendency to be deeply introspective. His perspective is often straightforward and he values honesty. This mix of Scorpio and Sagittarius traits can manifest differently depending on the specifics of his astrological chart and the exact time and location of his birth.

What are Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Children?

Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp children tend to be passionate, inquisitive, and often drawn to mysteries or puzzles. They can be deeply intuitive yet enjoy seeking out new experiences. Independent and transformative, they are often capable of instigating changes and adapt quickly. Their straightforward nature might make them blunt at times. While their personalities can largely be influenced by these signs, the exact manifestation can vary depending on the specifics of their astrological chart, including the time and location of their birth.

What are Strengths and Weaknesses of the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

Strengths of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

Intense, passionate, insightful, adventurous, transformative, independent, and straightforward.

You’re a person who dives deep into life and seeks out transformative experiences! Everyone turns to you when they want an insightful conversation or need a fresh perspective. You can navigate complex situations because you are intuitive. Any environment is enriched by the depth and passion you bring! By embracing change and exploring the mysteries of life, you live life to its deepest depths.

Weaknesses of Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

Blunt, restless, secretive, controlling, and stubborn.

You’re the truth-teller, but occasionally, you must figure out when to hold back. Everyone respects your honesty because you usually have a unique or profound insight to share, but you frequently need to give others a chance to express themselves. Your friends and family may feel alienated if they feel overwhelmed or ignored. If you keep in mind that conversations are just as much about understanding as expressing, you’ll make more and better connections.

What are the effects of being born on Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

Being born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, often referred to as the Cusp of Revolution, have individuals as potentially embodying traits from both of the adjacent signs. Here are some possible challenges for individuals born on this cusp:

  1. Intensity vs. Optimism: Scorpio is known for its intensity and depth, while Sagittarius is known for its optimism and desire for freedom. Balancing these two energies might be a challenge, leading to situations where you might either be too intense or overly nonchalant.
  2. Fixed vs. Mutable: Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning it’s resistant to change and likes stability. On the other hand, Sagittarius is a mutable sign, suggesting adaptability and changeability. The tension between maintaining status quo and seeking change might create internal or external conflicts.
  3. Suspicion vs. Trust: Scorpios are known to be suspicious and careful, while Sagittarians are more trusting and open. This can lead to dilemmas when dealing with trust in relationships.
  4. Desire for Control vs. Desire for Freedom: Scorpios often like to have control over situations, while Sagittarians value freedom and adventure. This can lead to issues in decision-making and might cause stress.

How does Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusps Approach Different Areas of Life?

How Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Impacts Love Life?

People born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp blend Scorpio’s passionate depth with Sagittarius’s adventurous spirit, making their love life intense and dynamic. They may struggle balancing desire for deep emotional connection (Scorpio) with a need for freedom and exploration (Sagittarius). This might cause fluctuations between intense involvement and detached independence in relationships. Navigating trust, with Scorpio’s caution and Sagittarius’s openness, can also be challenging. Their partners need to understand this dichotomy for a harmonious relationship. However, their passion, curiosity, and emotional depth can make relationships with them richly rewarding and exciting.

How does the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Influence Relationships with Family and Friends?

Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp individuals blend Scorpio’s intensity and Sagittarius’s sociability. They can be deeply loyal and protective of their family, reflecting their Scorpio side, while their Sagittarius side may make them fun-loving and adventurous friends. Balancing their need for personal space with their sociability might be a challenge. They might also struggle to balance their Scorpio-side’s need for deep, emotional connections with their Sagittarius-side’s penchant for light-hearted, intellectual interactions. Despite these challenges, their dual nature allows them to be both profound and entertaining companions, making their relationships dynamic and enriching.

How does the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Influence one’s Career Path?

People born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp are often driven and ambitious, with a blend of Scorpio’s determination and Sagittarius’s optimism. They might struggle balancing Scorpio’s meticulousness with Sagittarius’s desire for big-picture thinking. Their Scorpio side might prefer stable, controlled environments, whereas their Sagittarius side might crave change and variety. This could lead to a career path that is dynamic and possibly unconventional. However, their unique mix of intuition, passion, and adventurous spirit can make them successful in careers requiring deep insight, creativity, and adaptability. They may thrive in fields such as psychology, research, marketing, entrepreneurship, or travel and exploration.

Who are the Biggest Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Celebrities ?

Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Calvin Klein, Miley Cyrus, Owen Wilson.

Which Zodiac Signs are most Compatible with Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

When considering astrological compatibility, it’s important to remember that individual personalities and experiences can significantly influence relationships. Astrology can provide some general insights, but it doesn’t guarantee specific outcomes.

People born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp are often passionate, adventurous, and intellectually oriented. Here are a few zodiac signs that might be compatible:

  1. Leo: The fire and passion of Leo can match well with the intensity and adventurous spirit of a Scorpio-Sagittarius. Leo’s sociability can balance the Scorpio’s inward focus, while the Sagittarian’s need for freedom resonates with Leo’s independence.
  2. Aries: Aries can keep up with the dynamic and adventurous spirit of a Scorpio-Sagittarius. Both signs are passionate and independent, which can make for a vibrant relationship.
  3. Gemini: Gemini’s intellectual curiosity and adaptability can mesh well with the Sagittarius side, and the Gemini’s lighthearted approach can help balance the intensity of the Scorpio aspect.
  4. Libra: Libra’s balance and desire for harmony can provide a calming influence for the intense Scorpio-Sagittarius. The Libran’s sociability and love for intellectual conversations can also appeal to this cusp sign.
  5. Aquarius: The forward-thinking and independent Aquarius can resonate with the revolutionary and freedom-loving nature of the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp.

What is the best advice for Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp?

Embrace your unique blend of passion and adventure. Balance your desire for deep connections with your need for freedom. Channel your intense energy positively in relationships and careers, and value your adaptability.

Who falls outside of the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Birth Dates?

People who are not born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp include:

People born before November 18th: The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp begins on November 18th, so anyone born before that date is a Scorpio.

People born after November 24th: The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp ends on November 24th, so anyone born after that date is a Sagittarius.

Scorpio Sagittarius Cusp: Dates, Personality Traits and Compatibility (2024)


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