New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 10/09/1981 (2024)

With down towards and against many hands. Good evening U.S. Labor Department figures on New Jersey jobs are out. They show some losses and some gains. In sports Boxer Bobby chess is chalk up another knockout and that's got a lot as the highlights and in our weekly assessment of the gubernatorial race we'll talk about everything from negativism to Reaganism. The New York northeastern New Jersey area saw 17000 jobs disappear from the market last August. According to information released today by the US Labor Bureau of that number sixteen thousand work government positions in addition to those losses the region was down 8000 trade jobs but somewhat offsetting the total monthly loss was a seasonal gain of 5000 manufacturing jobs and 2000 transportation and public utility physicians and all about six and three quarter million people were employed in the metropolitan New York New Jersey region in August of this year. Recent government figures for the one year period from August 900 to August 81 show that statewide New Jersey gained forty seven thousand positions. Most of those were added in the service sector for the same one year period.

The northeastern part of the state lost jobs while the southern part of New Jersey saw a sharp increase. Meanwhile easing food in new car prices helped hold inflation at the wholesale level to an annual rate of two point two percent in September. The smallest rise in more than three years and according to a recent poll younger New Jersey residents are better off financially than they were five years ago. But elderly folks are not doing as well. Among 52 percent of the respondents polled by The Record of Hackensack two thirds reported they are doing better financially than their parents were at the same age Don. Federal budget cuts of course of slash social services but U.S. spending is often one area defense. And there's a lot of concern that a lot of those increased federal dollars be spent right here in New Jersey as Sandra King reports. The Pentagon last year paid out 65 billion dollars to private contractors less than two billion of that went to New Jersey. But defense spending is up and a larger share of those dollars should be coming here. That was the message today at a

seminar for local defense contractors. Both current and potential participants ranged from small car dealers to major corporations. The organizer Congressman Jim Corder very often what we have is sole source contracts just one or two companies in the United States that have the interest or the apparent interest in doing work for the Department of Finance which is a shame. It's my position the position of my office that there's a lot more that there's many in New Jersey. Given the opportunity given the assistance given the knowledge they'll come out they'll bad and they'll get their fair share of the work quarter says the state's steady loss of manufacturing jobs makes the need here even greater defense contracts he maintains could offset the impact of a failing economy. But local businesses must first find their way through the bureaucratic maze. So today's session hosted by the armament Research and Development Command Arad com was basically a lesson in how to begin and how to follow through. I do feel that a lot of red tape I understand is going to be shortened

which means it is going to be much more power to a company like ours to work with the Defense Department whether the Department of Energy or whatever. And since the bottom line is more jobs organized labor has an interest here too. Where are they going to go. Contractors local contractors are going to go out of state and our concern primarily is keeping jobs within two counties and quarter contends if that kind of interest can be generated in all 21 counties defense spending here could double in Dover. I'm Sandra King Trenton like other New Jersey cities has a deteriorating downtown badly in need of new development. But Trenton has an ace in the hole with state government still a growth industry. Although as Steve Taylor reports the latest growth is not exactly where the city wants it. Trenton's commercial core is the common stretch of State Street bricked over for pedestrians a few years ago. It has failed to attract much redevelopment but it does get lots of state workers at

lunchtime so city leaders were cheered last summer when the state announced plans for three new office buildings two of them on the Commons after the state made its plans the city's redevelopment body new Trenton Corporation came up with a study which concluded the new buildings should be clustered around the Commons not scattered in different locations. The idea was this concentration of construction would spur the private redevelopment which downtown Trenton also needs. So Mayor Arthur Holland who sits on the new Triton cooperation asked state treasurer Clifford Goldman if the plan could be altered. Goldman advised against trying predicting possible cuts by a new legislature after January. Three buildings that had been approved went through a very extensive process they had to be approved by the building authority by the Capitol Planning Commission and by both houses of the legislature and those approvals were very difficult to obtain. To start again with a new plan. In my judgment would have jeopardized having any buildings in Trenton New track and I

believe it was overwhelmingly in favor of cluster until Friday morning meeting when Goldman spoke very realistically about the potential for losing a building that we weren't clustered. So now the original plan stands. Forty four million dollars for two buildings on the commons and another 40 million dollar structure about half a mile away. But the city's still echoing with complaints about the decision led by Mercer County executive who says the mayor was scared off. The reason they were not getting in is the way I perceive it is that the state scared everybody away from standing up and saying we want this for our city we want this for our county. Holland isn't facing political reality and says maybe the scattered plan won't be so bad after all. You don't have the congestion that cluster brings with regard to traffic and parking and. We're doing more for the broader central business district and in the Commons they're hoping to new state buildings will be enough to attract private redevelopment. Buying more

complications work on the buildings should start around the first of the year. In Trenton. I'm Steve. Officials from the state's Department of Environmental Protection were back in Paterson today this time they were removing a padlock on the door of the Barone Balam drum company. EPA officials are looking for the best way to remove at least 30 400 barrels of illegally stored chemicals were found on Wednesday. All the tests will not be finished until next week officials say most of the drums contain highly flammable waste. Their removal to a landfill near Buffalo could take as long as two weeks. A state commission investigating the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam vets today accepted testimony from scientists doctors and veterans. He has more on the commission's first public hearing. The commission created by the legislature last year is trying to find a relationship between Agent Orange and health problems of some of the 80000 or so New Jersey Vietnam veterans Agent Orange was a jungle defoliant sprayed extensively throughout Vietnam to deprive the enemy of cover. That's blame it for lingering elements from skin rashes to

cancer. Missing from the hearing was Dow Chemical Company the maker of Agent Orange. The company declined the commission's invitation to testify. Those who did testify could not agree on the extent of health problems associated with Agent Orange. And some veterans said their ailments are poorly diagnosed if one vet displayed medication prescribed by V.A. doctors which had nothing to do with afflictions he attributed to Agent Orange something he said happens frequently to other vets. Well I think the veteran he gets to a point where he just doesn't care anymore. But yet he was willing to go out and fight with country. You come back here he said. Rotate commission members who will hold a hearing through 1980 to acknowledge the testimony still did not provide any positive scientific proof that Agent Orange is responsible for the veteran's ailments. But we didn't have that kind of testimony. We have some questions that might prepare the way for us to to ultimately help

find those answers or to meet. I have a major impact in that regard in Trenton. I'm Jim acquainted. Fanny Jennings won't be able to get her comatose son a divorce as appear your court judge has denied the Rockaway woman's request that she be appointed guardian for her 25 year old son Lawrence. He's in a nursing home after lapsing into a coma during surgery three years ago. Fanny Jennings accuses Lawrence's wife Tammy of committing adultery and she wanted to be named guardian so she could get Lawrence a divorce. But Judge Reginald Stanton ruled against the request saying there is no way anyone can know what Lawrence would do if he were able to function. The judge also said he wasn't required to rule if Tammy Jennings was committing adultery but added he would be slow to condemn her for seeking emotional and physical comfort elsewhere because her husband can no longer provide that Don. In Newark today our Bible salesman sentenced to 30 days for stealing $2 worth of cookies was released 19 days early for good behavior. Robert Cotton of Flint Michigan stole the cookies when he

was hungry and had no money and says he thinks the sentence was fair and he has no hard feelings about New Jersey. Right now the people here I didn't think it was like This is what I seen as a lot of nice cool people here. Nice place to live to gotten even got a free ride home thanks to contributions sent in from around the state. And Ralph Murdock 38 year old writer from New City New York says he isn't an extravagant man by nature but Dhaka has won the largest slot machine jackpot ever coughed up by an Atlantic City one armed bandit. One hundred ninety two thousand dollars. It happened late last night at Harrah's Marina casino and two thoughts came to my doc I want to see what kind of a philanthropist the windfall will make him and to maybe adopting a baby boy to go along with the two daughters he and his wife have. MURDOCH I hit it big with three Susan B Anthony dollars in a progressive slot machine. His payoff beats the old record by forty two thousand dollars. Not that

bad. Pay off the New Jersey Lottery has come up with a new game of football instant winner game. Here's how it will all work if I take it for $1 and scratch out a score for each of four quarters in a fabricated game. You add up the four scores for a total scratch out the visitors score in another part of the court. And if the visitor scores lower than yours will you win the top instant prize will be $50000 the lowest will be two free tickets the new tickets will go on sale October 14th each will have a one in four chance of being a winner of either the cash or more tickets your jersey got forty new residents this week. All living quietly and hundred in county. And while their arrival may not have caused much fanfare the way they arrived it certainly did since in these last explains. You're looking at a happy herd of burros here in the fields about just him happy because they're still alive and far from their former home in the Grand Canyon. The National Park Service ordered this group of 40 and five hundred thirty seven other shot saying the burros were destroying plant life and taking food away from other endangered animals. But thanks to

author Cleveland Amory it is fun for animals the boroughs have been spared the funds spent a thousand dollars a bureau to make what Amory calls the greatest animal rescue effort since Noah's Ark. The mission started in the summer of 1979 with tremendous obstacles. We used 40 horses we used for mules we used eight cowboys we use 17 dogs and we use God knows how many fun for animals people and we used a quarter of a million dollars in helicopter time alone. Every single one that you see here had to be helicoptered up seven miles into a corral and for the first time in animal history you were asking that I know of mothers and babies were lifted together but Amory's mission isn't over yet. This group the first to arrive in the northeast since the rescue needs a home. But the phone will only place the boroughs with people who won't abuse them who will treat them as pets. Ideally they like the boroughs adopted in pairs so they'd have a companion. But as long

as there are other farm animals around one should adjust without any trouble. Well originally when we heard about the rescue we had a horse that needed a company he was she was going over the fence and generally lonely and I thought it would be great. You know save an animal that otherwise wouldn't be saved other than just a horse that somebody else could sell and companionship and I heard this and so intelligent that I just decided it would be fun. There is a $200 adoption fee needed fund officials say to defray the cost of the rescue and transportation by next spring and other 60 boroughs will be headed to New Jersey ready for adoption. But anyone who's interested had better act quickly because there's already a waiting list of 30 names all of people very eager to give a lowly büro Well good home in Baptist town hunting County. I'm Susan East Los. First Lady Nancy Reagan is ordering more China from New Jersey. This time it's a 24 play set approximately or appropriately that is named Nancy for the family's personal table upstairs of the White House the China will be handmade by artisans Edward Marshall bean incorporated of Trenton.

Mrs. Reagan will reportedly pay for the place setting out of her own pocket. The price though has not been disclosed. The Reagans were recently criticized for their purchase of a two hundred twenty piece set of china from Lenox chaat incorporated of Lawrence Township. The price of that set was two hundred nine thousand dollars. OK here's a look at the weekend weather forecast tonight will be clear and very cold temperatures in the high 30s with a chance of frost in the northern part of the state mostly sunny tomorrow and warmer temperatures in the 60s and the outlook for Sunday. Cloudy and cool. There aren't too many people in New Jersey who think that this is the best of all possible worlds as a

matter of fact. The latest Rutgers Eagleton poll shows that most people think things are getting worse in the state and it's time for a change. About half of the eight hundred forty voters interviewed feel conditions in this state have gotten worse over the past five years while only 14 percent think things have gotten better. But when it comes to making changes political changes your Jerseyans may be a little confused about how to proceed. The poll shows that although a vast majority wants change only 39 percent even though the Democrats control the Senate and Assembly. But once asked if they think the way the Democrats are running things is good. Two thirds of those people say no it's not. And now here is done with our weekly analysis of the gubernatorial contest. Don thank you very much Ken of course with me again Steve Taylor and Jim McQueen our correspondent who followed the gubernatorial candidates for us gentlemen welcome again. Thank goodness it's Friday and we're here to chat about something that I find a little surprising. Some people think this is turned into a kind of a dirty campaign Steve is it a dirty campaign going to be.

I don't think so it's certainly it's not a fact not compared to what. What I what we have been saying we've been expecting all sorts of personal The aeration flying back and forth. There's been quite a few pointed remarks about each candidate's stance on the issues Florio calls Cain the ultimate flip flopper. And Cain would love it if everybody accepted his description of Florio as as a big spender. But it has been in either case talking about positions I think about issues not personal things no one is questioning anybody's parentage or anything like that. National political columnist David Broder descended from Olympus this week and wrote a column about how dirty the race has been in New Jersey and Virginia where they also have a governor's race. But I just can't see it. Tom Kane though apparently disagrees because the next day he told that audience just last night I believe he decided he was going to forswear saying any nasty things about his opponent. He promised that he was not going to do that anymore. But it's been pretty mild stuff pretty much. I don't know that he's going to stick to that promise him an indication of this is perhaps it is a closer race than than we're given credit for the polls with Jim.

I think it is a closer race than well one of the ways that we show aside from when they start attacking each other personally if that does occur occasionally is that it is getting close and one way they're calling is the political as a check race as to campaign checks are being given one to each candidate because it's close in fact to the election law enforcement put out its campaign expenditures report today and it shows a lot of examples of that each can't one person giving a check to each camp or for instance the Trenton law firm the politically connected law firm of Stern's herbut and wyne Roth who represent resorts casino kicked into both campaigns and a number of corporations and these are the political action committees also gave the political They simply want to cover themselves no matter who wins. That's right. Well I think there's another reason also when the limit is eight hundred dollars it's easier to cover yourself because I mean. I mean that's not chicken feed to me but for all we know it is to the law firm and then they can say they've given all they can and they don't show favoritism to either side. We want to talk about a President Reagan's upcoming visit to bolster the Tom Cain campaign but first let me ask you Have you guys seen

any indication that that might be put off as a result of the international situation. I mean the Cain camp says absolutely not because this is probably the only time they can get Reagan is very tough to get him in and they need him. And in fact Reagan himself and the administration feel that the legislative race here was so important to them nationally because it'll be this legislature that draws the new congressional lines for the next year's election and the Reagan destruction of course wants control of the house as they got control of the Senate previously. And so they're viewing this legislative election in New Jersey very important so I doubt very much whether the president would cancel for evil for those and they're also concerned about having a Republican governor in case the next governor appoints a United States senator which would give them a net gain of 1 seats. And I ought to I think the way it's been going to me lately I think maybe Congressman Florio is not too terribly upset about Ronald Reagan coming into New Jersey. Not that he's figuring that Reagan is unpopular or anything like that not even close to that but. He told me this week that he's noticed in the last five weeks or so a change in the attitudes of some of the

senior citizens which is very important both as a result of the social as a result of that sort. Right now again this is scenarios interpretation of it delivered to a reporter on camera so I don't know how much we can credit that will be a quick visit. It's in and out it's going to be a Mars Kelly fundraiser and he's going to go quick and dirty as we say in the business. Thanks a lot gentlemen that's our governor for this week again next Friday Steve and your mother back and when we return that's going on we'll have sports. And now here is sports with Pat Scanlon sitting in for Bill Perry.

Pat thank you can't. Well Bobbie Chaz the New Jersey middleweight champion ran his undefeated string to 15 fights last night at the expense of Danny Snyder The 19 year old Chaz stop this 28 year old opponent in the second round. And really the hype before the fight lasted longer than the actual battle in the ring. Of course that I swirled the legions of chess fans loved it. But what they didn't like was the first round action where Bobby Jones lost the first round while trying to figure out the southpaw Snyder's style. Bobby found the range in the second round however sending Snider to the cameras a total of three times before the fight was stopped for Chaz It was a 12 knockout victory of his budding career. And it will carry him onto the Nov. 12 boxing quad at the Meadowlands Arena probably against Willie the war Monro the once beat undisputed middleweight champion Weidman Hagler Jess's victory last night earned him a kiss from model photographer Christy Brinkley leaving Bobby toting a kiss might be as tough as his right foot. On Sunday afternoon one team will emerge from Giants Stadium with a 500 record hopefully

the Giants and St. Louis both sporting two and three records on the NFC East. Kicking off at 4 o'clock can the running game which netted 41 yards against the pack come alive. KOTOR leads the team with three point eight yards a carry it is doubtful fullback Leon Perry. No outside threat will start with a 2 point yard to carry average and number 45 rookie Leon bright supports a two point seven yard mark in 41 rushes. There's Leon coming up. So the Giants are pinning their hopes for improving on the worst running game in the NFC and rookie Lewis Jackson and Rob Carpenter. A recent acquisition from Houston again over four years. Yards a carry with the Oilers this year this year in the first four preseason games and a first for rainy season games I want to start. I don't know if I would be able to win Mr. Pender once again asked me to. You know I do a lot of good things I think when I get my hands on about running the ball and I think about the backfield and if that's what they have in mind then I think I have an opportunity to play.

And the Giants have reactivated rookie from Purdue Dave Young a tight end he had been on the injured list with a hand injury. Tomorrow afternoon Princeton tries for back to back wins as they entertain Columbia at Palmer stadium. The Tigers I wanted to follow in a win against Brown last week. Columbia is also one to both teams one and one in the Ivy League. The Scarlet Knights travel to West Point hoping to improve on their 4 and 1 record at Army's expense. They could answer to into this brawl with wins over the Ivy Leagues Brown and Harvard and maybe football weather but up at Bud Waite Lake they'll be staging the first annual Goob a smash. Wait till next year regatta the headwaters of the Raritan will be the scene for the two day extravaganza as many of the 75 hoby cats 16s are expected to be competing for the regatta title the first of six races starts tomorrow at 10 o'clock. And while this is the inaugural the organizers are planning on next year's regatta counting toward the national Holby cat Lankans are also hoping these holy cats stay afloat by lakes waters. I see this time of year. Say goodbye to summer.

And in tennis in Cambridge England today a Princeton freshman Andrea Leanne was crucial as a United States team won the Maureen Connelly trophy for the under-21 tennis tournament. Marina freshman 17 year old from Princeton and that about wraps of sports no baseball scores report yet. OK thanks a lot Pat. We'll keep in touch. Morristown craft market you might not know it was one of the largest in the east and as Ken tells us in our weekend preview that's just one of the many things going on around the Garden State this weekend. The works of more than 100 craftspeople will be on view. There will be ceramics metal wood and fiber just about every kind of craft you can imagine. These popular handmade legwarmers are the work of Diana Schmidt Wilner of Pennsylvania a large variety of other handmade clothing will be displayed shirts hats and quilted jackets with a high fashion look and all of the items will be on sale. The craft market is Saturday and Sunday from 10 to six at the Morristown National Guard armory on Western Avenue in Morristown. Because Princeton is one of

12 professional equity companies audiences there have been entertained by a variety of productions each season. Dickens A Christmas Carol is always a favorite. This weekend the presents just between ourselves a bittersweet comedy by Allen. The play focuses on the relationship between two couples and one of their mother in laws. On Saturday at 8 o'clock on Sunday at 2:30 PM on university place in Princeton the Rutgers University Art Gallery has mounted an exhibit on ancient art. More than 60 works will be displayed encompassing thirteen hundred years of art dating as far back as 1000 B.C. included in the exhibit are works from Egypt and from Greece. Figures from the Roman period will be featured there a rarity because ancient bronzes were often melted down for military and utilitarian purposes. In addition to bronzes there will be portrait heads animal forms and black and red figure vases on

Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 5. The art gallery is in on the college campus in New Brunswick. And of course a few other things happening this weekend New York City's John Opa-Locka bass baritone will give a benefit recital on Sunday at 4 p.m. at St. Paul's Church in Westfield. But I have preservation experience in Middlesex County takes place in Perth Amboy on Sunday. That's part of the series of tours of some historic sites in that area at the top of the touch and also in Middlesex County is holding a country fair on Saturday. As expected President Reagan has nominated 39 year old W. Hunter Dumont of summit Union County to be U.S. attorney for New Jersey. If the nomination is confirmed Dumont would succeed acting U.S. attorney William Robertson of East Brunswick Dumont has previously served as the deputy chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. attorney's office and that's the news for Cannot ahead Pats Gatlings detailer Jim McQueary andan Torrance Good night from all of us here in New Jersey likeliness. New Jersey nightly news just a joint presentation of the New Jersey network and

their team. Fortunes recorded. Dan to you again a good evening where I live and we are Garden State tonight and that pleased to have you with

us. Blair Our guest is very interesting of our health and we've got some of your questions I don't know if we have any questions or answers upcoming in the next half hour we do have some very entertaining features for you. Other things Trista Gasper us is going to be telling us about a visit she made recently to a school for elementary school students who have the handicap of being deaf. But how well that's being dealt with. That's just one of the items upcoming. You'll find us here at this address. It's going to be tricky and it's going to be Kim and it's going to be Mark. It's also going to be can't get out of hand who's going to tell us what's the lead story again tonight on the 7:30 nightly news right after Garden State tonight. Bill U.S. Labor Department figures on New Jersey jobs are out. They show some losses and some gains. We'll have a full report tonight on how those jobs break down throughout the state. So I hope you'll join us tonight at 7:30 on your jersey nightly news as

and when I write some up some down there. Here's a story I think that is really all too often youngsters who have the handicap of being deaf apparently are sentenced to a life of not being able to hear not being able to react to their peers of being different. Christa Gaspar who is our education editor went out and found some people who were being treated and treated so beautifully. Trish tell us about these after when. Well it's a rather unusual school in mountain lakes it's called the lake Dr. school and all of that still.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 10/09/1981 (2024)


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