Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (2024)

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (2)
Leek and Potato Soup

This leek and potato soup recipe can be made with chunky potato bits or with the potato mashed down for a smooth texture. Cheap it is to make, but the combination of everyday ingredients in this recipe is far, far more than the sum of its parts.


2 tablespoons (60g) butter or margarine

2 garlic cloves

3 to 4 good-sized leeks (1lb / 450g)

2 good-sized potatoes (1lb / 450g)

1 litre / 1.8 pints vegetable stock (fresh or 2 stock cubes in hot water)

225ml / just under half a pint milk or cream

Salt and pepper to taste

Nutrition information per portion

  • Calories
  • Carbs
  • Sugars
  • Fat
  • Saturate


COOKING TIME: 25 minutes



SERVINGS: 4 servings

EQUIPMENT: Large pan, potato masher


Rinse and chop the leeks. The easiest way to chop the leeks is to slice each leek longwise twice (see picture below) and then chop all the leek from top to bottom. Click on the picture below to see an enlarged version showing the size of the chopped leek. The leek has been split four ways down the stem which makes it look a bit like celery but it definitely is leek.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (3)
Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (4)
Sliced and chopped leeks

Peel the potatoes and chop them into cubes. Click on the picture below to enlarge it and see the size of the cubes more clearly.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (6)
Cutting potatoes into cubes


If you intend to freeze this leek and potato soup then it is probably best not to add cream, add milk instead (see recipe ingredients above). We have frozen leek and potato soup with milk in it many times and it turns out just fine.

The problem with adding cream to the recipe and then freezing it, is that the cream may well separate. In truth, we did an experiment using cream and yes the cream did separate but after stirring it in well it then blended in OK.

This is great food at a very cheap price. It freezes really well, although the potato bits are not so chunky after freezing. All the pictures shown in this recipe can be enlarged by left-clicking your mouse once on the picture. The ingredients will make enough for at least four good portions of leek and potato soup.



Melt the butter / margarine in a pan and add the chopped leeks and garlic.

Fry them over a low to medium heat until the leeks are soft. This will take about ten minutes. Stir frequently so that none of the ingredients brown.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (7)
Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (8)
Leeks frying in butter


Add all the remaining ingredients to the pan with the exception of the milk / cream. Bring the soup to the boil and then let it simmer for the remaining cooking time.

If you want the potatoes to stay chunky, cook for 15 to 17 minutes until the potato is soft. If you want to mash the potatoes, cook for about 20 minutes.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (10)
Leek and potato soup cooking


If you prefer the potatoes to be smooth rather than chunky (the most popular way), simply use a masher to break down the potatoes in the pan.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (12)
Mashing potatoes in the pan


Just before serving, pour the milk / cream (use milk not cream if you plan to freeze the soup) into the soup and stir well.

If you have parsley sprigs, be a show off and add a sprig to each bowl!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (14)
Leek and potato soup topped with parsley


Leek and potato soup freezes very well. If you like chunky potatoes in the soup however, these will not be so chunky when you reheat the frozen soup.

Leek and potato soup will keep up to two months when frozen.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (15)
Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (16)
Freezing leek and potato soup


38 RATINGS GIVEN - AVERAGELeek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (17)

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (18)

27 November 2023

From: Aphra

I love this site. I have made this soup on many occasions and it has been enjoyed by many. It is so uncomplicated. Thanks and yum!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (19)

28 April 2013

From: Daz

Delicious thanks.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (21)

16 April 2013

From: Bethan

Brilliant, this soup is so easy and tastes gorgeous, 1st time I've made soup and definitely will make this again.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (22)

6 April 2013

From: Zoe

I always add bacon and onions, but I'm glad I tried your way. I've been masking the delicate leek flavor. Simple is best. Thank you.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (23)

2 February 2012

From: Roe

My goodness this soup is even better than i thought it would be!!!! I love it thank you so much xxx

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (24)

2 February 2012 012

From: Vic

Perfect and easy!

Not Given

7 February 2012

From: Danny

Just made this recipe and it is lovely. My dad says he's a manly man and needs meat, so shredded some left over ham joint we had and threw it in and OMG it's even better.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (25)

20 February 2012

From: Jane

Great recipe , I added chopped bacon at stage one delicious!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (26)

20 February 2012

From: TW

So simple but so delicious. I have to admit that I put in leftover mashed potato but it still turned out great!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (27)

21 March 2012

From: John

Really easy to cook and very tasty. As suggested by one of your posters, I added a teaspoonful of mild curry powder which I felt enhanced the flavour.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (28)

22 March 2012

From: Chrys

Lovely recipe. Thanks for posting.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (29)

26 March 2012

From: Halle

Just made this, added butter beans for protein and a dollop of cream cheese when served instead of milk, its just melted in and tasted amazing. Really good and filling.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (30)

28 March 2012

From: Adrian

The tip about slicing the leeks lengthwise before chopping is excellent - it saves so much time. Delicious soup - thanks.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (31)

16 April 2012

From: Not Given


Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (32)

20 July 2012

From: Marilyn

Added finely chopped pieces of chicken for protein , absoulty delicious ....yummy!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (33)

09 August 2012

From: Sue

Just made this soup, easy to do and it tastes lovely, also going to make the cauliflower soup, I love simple recipes, thank you

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (34)

07 October 2012

From: MsJu

Lovely, simple, hearty soup. Only reservation was that it felt a little oily on the tongue. Will slightly reduce amount of butter used to saute the leeks next time. Overall, really good soup. Thanks!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (35)

08 October 2012

From: Chris

Great that one can click on how to make a quick soup and get a recipe that really works. Was as nice as any i would pay for in a good hotel

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (36)

12 October 2012

From: Cat

This recipe was sooo good my husband said he was telling our daughter that I burned it so he could eat hers. luvly jubbly, thanks for this simply gorgeous soup.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (37)

18 October 2012

From: Pixie

Wonderful soup and such a simple and easy recipe to follow. Always gets the thumbs up in our home. I leave out the cream and milk from The Daddy portion as he's on a diet. Even then it's gorgeous.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (38)

18 October 2012

From: Linds

The miser in me always tries to eat as cheaply and healthy as possible. This recipe is brilliant!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (39)

19 October 2012

From: K

Oooo, nearly 3 litres of amazing souuup for the cost of under 2 quid for ingredients in proportion. Much, much cheaper than pre bought and you know what's in it!!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (40)

9 November 2012

From: Not Given

I love this recipe it is delicious I just wish that it would make more.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (41)

9 November 2012

From: Jane

Just Gorgeous

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (42)

10 November 2012

From: Anne

Delicious and wholesome and a cheap lunch.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (43)

13 November 2012

From: Not Given

One thing i always do is had half a pinch of paprika, a pinch of basil and a pinch of chllli flakes before added to stock compliments nicely.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (44)

24 November 2012

From: Not Given

So easy to make.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (45)

25 November 2012

From: Maggit

Very simple, nourishing and warming. I made half the quantity given, added a little paprika and basil together with half a chopped onion, and put it through the blender at the end. Served it just as it was (no cream) and it tasted wonderful.

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (46)

28 November 2012

From: Jen

Fab and fast

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (47)

30 November 2012

From: Not Given

The best L and P soup recipe i've come across, yummy!!!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (48)

10 January 2013

From: Sara

Lovely soup, added 2 onions. Seemed a bit oily, so reduced butter a little - made double quantities for the frezer!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (49)

20 January 2013

From: Lucas

Very easy to do and absolutely delicious

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (50)

10 January 2013

From: Not given


Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (51)

27 January 2013

From: SAM

Best p and l soup i have ever had!!!!!

Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (52)

1 February 2013

From: Liz

Easy and delicious, love it.


Leek and Potato Soup - CookUK Recipes (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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