D2r February Price Check Guide V2 - Topic (2024)

El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ort, Thul, Amn, Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, Ral Io, Ko, Fal- 0.3fg-0.5fg
Lem - 4-5fg
Pul - 5fg
Um - 8-10fg
Mal - 15f-18g
Ist - 20-25fg
Gul - 25-35fg
Vex - 65fg
Ohm - 120-140fg
Lo - 230-250fg
Sur - 335-350fg
Ber - 670-680fg
Jah - 680-700fg
Cham - 80fg
Zod - 150-160fg

The value on runes is expected to continue to plummet and even accelerate further once Ladder starts, with a bounce effect expected some weeks after ladder start.
Perfect Sapphire 0.75fg
Perfect Ruby 0.7fg
Perfect Diamond 0.7fg
Perfect Amethyst 1.5fg
Perfect Topaz 0.7fg
Perfect Emerald 0.7fg
Perfect Skull 1fg

Its better to buy in Bulk for the cheaper prices, but at the same time its also better to buy at the higher prices when buying bulk (contradiction I know!)
In Game Gold [ IGG ]
10M IGG - 25fg
Junk Jewels
0.3fg-0.5fg each

Note: if buying in bulk I see them selling sometimes 100JJ vs 20fg.
Sox Quest - 10fg-20fg
Imbue Quest (user imbues your item) - 10fg
Grush - 50fg
Classic Rush - 40fg~50fg
Keys for Ubers
Key of Hate 2fg-4fg
Key of Terror 4fg-5fg
Key of Destruction 3.5fg

Again, lower prices when buying in bulk
UNID : 55fg.

Random Torch all classes - Under 150fg

Perfect Amazon Torch - 1000-1100fg
Assassin Torch 20/19 - 100fg
Perfect Assassin Torch - 500fg
Perfect Barbarian Torch 600fg-800fg
Perfect Druid Torch 300fg-500fg
Necromancer Torch 20/19 - 300fg
Perfect Necromancer Torch - 700fg
Pala Torch 20/19 - 550fg
Perfect Paladin Torch 1500-2200fg
Perfect Sorceress Torch 1700fg+

See also here ->
and here -> Torches
Anni Charm
As with Torches its really only perfect or near perfect that will sell well.
Note: Prices on the Anni Charm may fluctuate depending on supply and demand (expect prices on perfect anni's to increase from ladder launch due to under supply from that point, in non-ladder).

Unid Anni - 250fg

Random xx/xx/10 - 150-400fg
19/20/10 - 2500-2700fg
20/20/10 - 10000-11000fg
Unique Helmets
Random Arreats Face - 5fg
Arreats 198%~199% - 100fg
Eth Arreats Face - 50fg~
Unid Andariels Visage - 30fg
Random Andariels Visage - 20fg-100fg (depending on stats)
Eth Andariels Visage - 300fg-600fg (depending on stats)
Random Crown of Ages 1 Sox - 10fg
Unid COA - 200fg
COA 2 sox, 10%DR - 200fg~
COA 2 sox, 15%DR - 450fg-700fg
COA 2 Sox 15%DR 30all res - 3000fg+
Random Crown of Thieves - 2fg-10fg
Unid Eth COT - 50fg
Eth Crown of Thieves - 35fg-100fg
Random Giant Skull 1sox - 5fg
Random Giant Skull 2sox - 15fg
Unid Griffons Eye - 950fg
Low Roll Griffons Eye - 450fg~
17/14 Griffon - 610fg+
19/13 Griffon - 700fg~
20/10 Griffon - 1300fg
20/14 Griffon - 2500fg
20/15 Griffon - 3000fg+
Random Kiras Guardian - 5fg
Kira's Guardian 70% - 35fg
Random Nightwings Veil - 10fg-20fg
Nightwings Veil 15% cold damage - 200fg~
Shako - 5fg-10fg
Random Vampire Gaze - 5fg
Random Eth Vampire Gaze - 30fg+

Magic Helmets
3 sox 30 frw tiara/diadem [THE HLD PvP Bowa Helmet] - 1200fg
3 sox 30 frw tiara/diadem with x3 15ias/40ed - 6500fg
3psm 2 soc 30frw circlet/coronet [THE MLD PvP Bowa Helmet] - {not found in market}
3fire/20fcr/2sox - 200fg
3cold/20fcr/2sox - 200fg
3light/20fcr/2sox - 200fg
LLD: 2 soc 20 frw 30 ed (deadly circlet of haste) - 1000fg+
Rare Helmets
Low Level Dueling (lvl 30~49)
Note: Level 30 Items will sell better then lvl 49 items even if the lvl 49 item has better mods.

2Fire/20fcr/30frw/2sox - 5000fg~
2Fire/20fcr/30frw/80Mana - 5000fg~
2Fire or 2Cold with 20fcr+2sox - 100fg-200fg
2pc/20fcr/80Mana - 1000fg~
1pc/20fcr/2sox - 400fg~
2pc/20fcr/40mana - 400fg~
2Shape/3Fury 2sox - 1200fg+
2Shape/3Maul 2sox - 1000fg+ (estimated, market not tested)
2Ele/3Nada - 100fg+ (estimated, market not tested)
2pnb/30frw/20fcr - 1000fg+
2trap/30frw/20fcr - 1000fg+
1Assa/30frw/20fcr - 650fg+
2psm or 1ama 30frw 2sox - 250fg+
2Warcries/3Bo - 100fg+ (estimated, market not tested)
2 Barb 20 FCR Visio 16 dex - 2500fg+ - February 2022
2 Barb 20FCR 30 FRW 38 Life Fire Res 20 - 4000fg~ - February 2022
2 Barb 20FCR 30 FRW Visionary - 3000fg+ Feb 2022

2 Pala 20 FCR Visio 2sox - 100,000.00fg - February 2022

2 Sorc 20FCR 20DEX 14 All res 2 Sox - 4500fg - February 2022
2 Sorc 20FCR 17DEX 2 Sox - 1250fg~ - February 2022

2 Nec 20fcr 30run 81mana 18all res - 7500fg February 2022

Unique Amulets
Eye of Etlitch - 1fg
Saracens Chance - 1fg-5fg
Highlords - 20fg-25fg
Cat's Eye - 5fg
MetalGrid - 20fg
Seraphs Hymn - 10fg
Set Amulets
Tal Amulet - 10fg
Magic Amulets
3Cold 100 life - 300fg
3Fire 100 life - 300fg
3Light 100 life - 300fg
3psm 100 life - 300fg
3masteries 100 life - 300fg
Rare Amulets
Again, my focus at the moment is LLD, will focus on prices for HLD amulets in future updates (will add a crafted section later though).

2fire 10fcr 70-90 mana - 400fg+
2cold 10fcr 70-90 mana - 300fg+
2light 10fcr 70-90 mana - 100fg+
2trap 10fcr 50life - 350fg~
2trap 10fcr 70mana - 400fg~
1assa 10fcr 50Life - 300fg~
1assa 10fcr 90mana - 350fg~
1 barb 40life 60mana - 400fg+
2masteries 40 life 60mana - 600fg+
1 ama 50 life 50 mana - 400fg+
1 pala 10fcr 50 life 50 mana - 400fg+
2 pc 10fcr 50 life 50 mana - 500fg+ (saw one sell for 1200fg though)
2 shape 60 life - 500fg+
2pnb 10fcr 50 life 50 mana - 1000fg+
1nec 10fcr 50 life 50 mana - 200fg+

Apologies now that this is lld focused, i will try to include HLD stuff in future updates. Bear in mind you may and will get more for these in a bid war.
Crafted Caster Amulets

At this point in "non ladder" players are looking for "good" amulets. I will add to this section gradually (in nonladder) over the coming months and include a time stamp on confirmed trades. Therefore this section of the PC Guide is not specific to a particular month. Basically if its not very good it wont sell. It is recommended to craft amulets early each ladder for approx 2 months in order to sell 2/10 (or better amulets) noting once the price on Mara/Tal amulet come down these amulets are very hard to sell. In this way you are not breaking your bank in nonladder looking to craft that gg amulet.

2 Sorc 10 FCR 20+ Str/Dex + 5x Mana ~ 1500+ - December 2021
2 Sorc 10 FCR 5x Life 20+ res ~ 1500+ - December 2021
2 Light 20 FCR 100+ Mana - 2000+ - December 2021
2 Sorc 10 FCR 2x str 1x res - 2000+ - December 2021
2 Sorc 19 FCR 16 All res 2000+ (3000 with bid war) - December 2021

2 Barb 20fcr - 1500~ - December 2021

2 Pala 10 FCR 20 Str / Dex, 10+ all res ~ 1500 - December 2021
2 Pala 20 FCR - 1500+ - December 2021
2 Pala 20 FCR 16 res amy - 6000~ - December 2021
2 Pala 20 FCR 30str - 9000fg~ - December 2021

2 Druid 20 FCR 10repl - 2000+ - December 2021

2 Nec 10 FCR 20 Str 10 All Res - 1200fg+ - December 2021
2 Nec 20 FCR - 1500fg - December 2021
2 Nec 20 FCR 53 life - 7000fg - December 2021
2 Nec 10 FCR 30-50life/70-90mana/Res - 100fg-500fg <<-- highlighting its 20fcr or nothing boys.
2 Nec 20 FCR 46 life amulet - 7000-8000fg February 2022

2 Assa 20FCR 400+ December 2021
2 Assa 18FCR 19 all res - 2000+ - December 2021
2 Assa 18 FCR 27 str 17 dex 10 mana Regen Mana 10 - 20,000fg+ February 2022
Random Enigma ~ 1000fg
15ed Enigma ~ 1500fg~
Perfect Enigma ?
Chains of Honor AP ~ 600fg
15ed Chains of Honor Dusk ~ 800fg~
Random Eth Forti ~ 350fg
Forti AP 1.5 and 30 Res ~ 900fg
Random Bramble ~ 300fg
Perf Bramble ~ ?
Arkaine's Valor - 1fg~2fg
Eth Arkaines Valor - 50fg-100fg
Guardian Angel - 1fg~2fg
Ormus Robes 3 Blizz Random CD - 80fg~125fg
Ormus Robes 20%cd / 3blizz 5/5 die - 400fg
Perf Skin of the Vipermagi 35/13 - 150fg~190fg
Skullders Ire 5fg
Skullers Ire Upped - 10fg
Random Eth Skullders Ire - 25fg
Tyraels Might - 137%ed/66DD/22str/20all res- 200fg
Tyraels Might - 139%ed/67DD/25str/27all res - 300fg~
Set Armor
Random Tal Armor - 20fg
White or Sox Armor
3 Sox Dusk - 10fg
3 Sox Archon - 10fg
3Sox Breast Plate 80 Life - 800-1000
3Sox Mage Plate 80 Life - 800-1000
3Sox Ancient/Gothic Armor 80 Life - 800-1000
Wire 4sox 100 life - 466def - 5000fg+
For LLD 1300+ Def + 2 sox (very Niche) - ?
For HLD 2000+ Def + 2 sox (very Niche) - ?
Random Boneflame - 2fg-5fg
Random Darkforce - 35fg
Perf Darkforce - 300fg+ (was unable to determine)
Random Herald of Zakarum - 15fg~25fg
Homunculus 2fg-5fg
Lidless 2fg-5fg
Storm Shield 2fg-5fg
JSTOD - Sacred Targe 30/20 45 @Res 4s sox
JSTOD - Sacred Targe 30/20 65ed 121ar 4s sox |
JMOD - Monarch 30/20 4 sox 148 def
JWOD - Ward 30/20 4 sox
TSOD - Tower 30/20 3 sox
AKSOD - Artisans Kite 30/20 3 sox (LLD) - 500fg (level 25 hence higher cost (LLD))
JKSOD - Jewellers Kite 30/20 3 sox (MLD) - 300fg (level 47 hence lower cost(MLD))
ADSOD - Artisans Dragon 30/20 3 sox (LLD&MLD) - 1000fg
JDSOD - Jewelers Dragon 30/20 3 sox - (MLD only) 500fg
TNOD - Troll Nest 30/20 3 soc
GSOD - Gothic 30/20 3 sox
Monarch 4sox 60 life - 10000fg+
Kite Shield 2 Sox 30/20 + 5 Repl
Kite Shield 2 Sox 30/20 17fhr
Dragon Shield 2 sox 30/20 + 5 Repl
Dragon Shield 2 Sox 30/20 +17fhr
Grim Shield 2 Sox 30/20 + 5 Repl
Grim Shield 2 Sox 30/20 + 17fhr

Unique Weapons
Eth 5 sox RuneMaster - 75fg~
Random Eth Death Cleaver - 100fg~
Perf Eth Death Cleaver - 3100fg+
Widowmaker - 5~10fg
Windforce - 25~40fg
Reapers Toll - 5fg
Eth Reapers Toll - 200fg~
Random Eth Tombreaver 2 sox - 100fg+
Random Eth Tombreaver 3 sox - 350fg
Eth Tombreaver 276% 3 sox - 2500fg~
Eth Titans 198% - 1000fg
Oculus - 5fg
Random Eschuta's - 10fg
Death's Fathom 1x - 10fg+
Death's Fathom 2x - 200fg
Death's Fathon 30% - 900fg+
Rune Word Weapons
Random Grief PB/BA - 200fg +/-
Grief PB 40/397 - 1200fg
Grief PB 35/400 - 1600fg
Grief BA 39/397 in 15/13 - 6000fg+
Beast Zerker 25x%/31 - 800fg
Beast Zerker 26x%/34 - 1400fg
Last Wish Pb 362%ed 64 CB - 3500fg~
Last Wish Pb 388%ed 64 CB in a 15% superior base - 4000fg+
Infinity Eth CA 309%ed -48lr - 1800fg+
Infinity Eth Tresher 321%ed, -51lr 2000fg+
Faith Shadow 15/2 - 1500fg
Faith GMB 15/1/3 330%ed - 1400fg
Faith GMB 15/2/3/330%ed - 2800fg~
CTA 3/1~3/3 - 30~60fg
CTA 3/4~5/4 - 170~200fg
CTA 3/6/4 - 450fg~
CTA 6/6/3 - 1500fg~
CTA 6/6/4 - 2400fg~
Magic Weapons
3 lightning mastery 3 chain lightning 20fcr 2 sox orb - 10000fg+ Oct 2021 and again in Feb 2022
White or Eth Weapons for Runewords / Imbue / Facets
Eth Throwing Spear - 10fg
Eth Maiden Javalins -10fg
Eth Harpoons -10fg
Eth Matri Javs -10fg
Eth Naga - 10fg
Superior 15%ed Ashwood bow 3skill 5sox - 150fg~250fg
Eth Small Crescent 4 or no sox - 10fg
Eth Highland Blade 4 or no sox - 15fg~
Superior 15%ed Eth Naga 4 or no sox ? - 100fg+
Superior 15%ed Eth Small Crescent 0 or 4 sox - 100fg+
Superior 15%ed Eth Highland Blade 4 or no sox - 200fg+
Divine Scepter 5sox 3Fana 3Zeal - 1000fg+
Divine Scepter 5sox 3Foh 1Conviction - 1000fg
Divine Scepter 5sox 2Foh 2Conviction - 1000fg
Divine Scepter 5 sox 3Hammer 3Conc - ????
CTA in 3Foh 3Conv Base - 12000fg+ Feb 2022
Rare Weapons
Eth Repl Throwing Spear 70%ed Level 9 - 250fg+
Eth Repl Throwing Spear 70%ed +10% ias Level 9 - 1500fg~2000fg
Eth Repl Maiden Javalins 105%ed Level 18 - 250fg+
Eth Repl Maiden Javalins 105%ed + Ias+Amp Level 18 - 2000fg+
Eth Repl Harpoons 165%ed Level 30 - 3000fg+
Eth Repl Harpoons 165%ed 20ias Level 30 - 5000fg+
Eth Repl Hyperion Javs 300ed 40ias - 25,000fg~
Eth Repl Maiden/Ceremonial/Matri Javs 350%ed - 15000fg+
Eth Repl Maiden/Ceremonial/Matri Javs 350%ed+ias - 25000fg+
Eth Repl Maiden/Ceremonial/Matri Javs 400%ed+ - 40000fg+ {depending on mods and repl time}
Eth Repl Maiden/Ceremonial/Matri Javs 450%ed 1/10 repl time + IAS + Max Damage + Inc Stack or + skills - 150,000fg+
Ashwood Bow 165%ed 20ias - 1500fg+
Double Bow 165%ed 20ias - 1000fg+
Shadow Bow 400%+ed level 48 - 1000fg+
Eth Repl Battle Hammer Level 30 - 165%ed - 5000fg+
Eth Repl Battle Hammer Level 49 - 450%ed -
Eth Repl Beserker Axe 300ed Fools mod 40ias 2 sox - 50,000fg+
2Light 20fcr 3lightning 3lightning mastery 3 chain lightning - 10,000fg+

D2r February Price Check Guide V2 - Topic (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.